Such reasons may include unwillingness to follow safety rules, lack of training, ignorance of rules and procedures, negligence, and other factors. For example, a manufacturing site may require workers to wear industrial gloves and work behind wire mesh to safeguard against moving parts. Yet if workers ignore this directive, it could result in serious accidents.
Very often, laid-back managers do not enforce rules, leaving workers ignorant regarding proper procedures. Even if your facility has no established safety program, it is important to consider a few points that will go a long way toward improving safety in your manufacturing plant.
Nothing is worse than cutting corners when implementing safety measures. One of the key causes of accidents is negligence in thoroughly maintaining plant machinery and associated equipment. Another safety concern is utilizing inappropriate test and maintenance equipment. Many accidents occur because faulty test equipment provided incorrect results.
Safety experts can play an important role in establishing safety programs for manufacturing companies. In addition, even if a manufacturer cannot hire a safety expert on a permanent basis, it is possible to hire an expert to serve in an advisory role.
Training forms an important foundation for implementing safety regulations. Even if it is costly, you should never ignore training for workers, staff, and other employees. Lack of training will result in ignorance about new machinery, changes in operating procedures, or related issues. Therefore, always allow only trained staff to handle equipment. Moreover, make sure staff members do not handle equipment they have not been trained on.
Concerns about safety do not end with the conclusion of a safety-training seminar. Safety-related training materials, equipment operation guides, instruction manuals, quality handbooks, and other critical information should be made available at the manufacturing site at all times for instant reference.
At the same time, it is a good idea to lend an ear to any complaints and suggestions from the floor. It can be productive to take a short break from your business routine and gather safety tips through discussions in informal settings.
There are also many straightforward ways to implement a safety program. One effortless and effective technique is to praise or reward people for simple safety-related achievements. Many times, a punishment policy will only bring about disastrous results.
Many industrial sites are noisy due to the constant movement of workers and materials. In addition, noisy machinery can add to the din. Either install equipment and machinery that produce less noise or install soundproofing materials around heavy machinery. Working in noisy surroundings reduces efficiency and makes workers more accident-prone.
Finally, when a safety program is implemented by your organization, make sure that it does not become redundant. Always keep yourself refreshed on new developments in the field of safety. Constantly improve and refine your safety program so that you have the latest guidelines in place. Make safety a habit in your organization.