Despite the downturn in the economy and the impact this is already having on the manufacturing sector, there are still good manufacturing jobs available. However, with heavy competition for the remaining jobs, you will need to ensure you are even more competitive in order to land your ideal position. This applies across all areas including higher-level executive positions such as a vice president’s role. To be competitive you will need to be prepared to meet not only the essential selection criteria for the job, but also the desirable criteria. While the desirable criteria for a position will often be stated, sometimes they are not. In these cases, you will need to do your homework to discover an organization’s preferences.
However, many of the highest-paying senior manufacturing opportunities are not even advertised. Suitable candidates are headhunted by professional recruitment consultants or are approached by a contact on behalf of the employer.
If you are looking for a senior executive position such vice president, it is important to consider how you might become known by people who can help you into your next job. The main way this is done is through networking. It is wise to use your current position as a springboard to your next job by building relationships and networking in the workplace and with clients, customers, suppliers, and other contacts. Have you ever wondered why some senior managers spend time on the golf course? It is not just because they like to golf, though that no doubt helps. They actually conduct business and build relationships with people who can boost their careers or bring business into their companies. You can also network in the community by joining local business groups and by meeting with other members, volunteering with community organizations, and joining professional associations. Take every opportunity to become known and liked; this could result in excellent job opportunities.
Recruitment companies which specialize in high-level management positions, particularly in the management sector, are one of the best places to find manufacturing jobs. In fact, if you have the opportunity in your current role to build positive relationships with recruitment consultants, you may be able to turn this to your advantage when you are ready to look for your next position. Check out executive recruiters in major cities as well as in your local area. If you want a high-paying vice president position, you will need to be willing to move to where the job is located, so consider positions anywhere in the United States. Recruitment agencies which specialize in high-end jobs can be an excellent source of jobs at the top end.
Read your professional journals. Top corporate positions are often advertised in these publications. However, before you seriously begin applying for these jobs, make sure you have the requisite qualifications, experience, and skills. Even if you are currently a vice president in manufacturing, you may not meet the criteria for another company. You can get an idea of where you stand by reading the job descriptions and selection criteria for a number of relevant positions. This can either give you the confidence to keep applying or it can make you aware of deficits you need to correct. You can do this by undertaking training courses or by ensuring you use every possible opportunity in your current job to gain the required skills.
If you are looking for a better job in the same general area of manufacturing then you will probably already have an idea of who you would like to work for and what manufacturing opportunities are available. Contacts in the industry will let drop their opinions of their employers and you will find out which ones are great to work for and which ones to avoid. Even though top corporate positions are advertised far less often than other jobs, you may still find them advertised on company Web sites. Even if they are not advertised, by learning about the companies you are interested in, you can ensure you gain the experience, skills, and qualifications which they desire. When you are ready to begin applying directly to these organizations make sure you have a portfolio of achievements as documentary evidence of your claims.
While the title “vice president” sounds impressive and may well be the next logical job in your career path, it is important to obtain a job that is the right fit for your personality, values, skills, experience, and qualifications. Chasing after money or a particular job title is not the best way to accomplish this. A better way is to take a strategic approach to your career progression. Always be aiming for your next job even when you are happily performing your current one. If you do this you will always be prepared for your next position and when it comes to being a vice president you will also be the right fit for the company.