On ManufacturingCrossing
press release
August 11, 2008 | PDF version
Pasadena, CA — A report by Forbes.com has placed Canton, Youngstown, Dayton, Springfield, and six more cities on its list of the fastest-dying cities in the US. Much of the decay has been ascribed to the rapid decline of the manufacturing sector and the resultant loss of manufacturing jobs. The turmoil has caused a surge in freelance workers who are using their manufacturing training combined with their marketing instincts in order to earn their livings. Elance, Odesk, and other work-from-home solutions are ruling the roost for those who are laid off, but few have managed to land a decent project. ManufacturingCrossing (www.manufacturingcrossing.com), the world’s leading job portal, is unperturbed, though.Only ManufacturingCrossing consolidates every job it can find in the domain and puts all of the job listings it locates in one place.