On ManufacturingCrossing
press release
August 28, 2008 | PDF version
Pasadena, CA — ManufacturingCrossing, an affiliate of EmploymentCrossing, one of the leading job boards in the US, has added 12,647 manufacturing jobs to its database in a bid to help the weakening manufacturing sector. The manufacturing job site provides users with instant access to a comprehensive pool of listings based on the given user's particular area of interest. ManufacturingCrossing scours thousands of webpages and more than 250,000 employer websites for exclusive manufacturing jobs and lists them in its database. The job board has only been intensifying its search for jobs of late in its constant quest to ward off unemployment in the manufacturing sector.Only ManufacturingCrossing consolidates every job it can find in the domain and puts all of the job listings it locates in one place.